The Discovery Call


The Discovery Call is a chance for us to discover how we might navigate through the process of managing your relationship with alcohol

I know from my own experience how much it helps to have some guidance at this stage of the journey. I'll share some of that experience with you—the successes and the setbacks—so you know where I'm coming from.

I'll likely ask you some questions about your history, where you are today, what you hope to learn and accomplish. I won't need to know any personal details other than your first name. Beyond that it's up to you to share your own story. Everything we talk about is 100% confidential, forever, full stop.

If it seems we're a good fit, we'll talk about what a coaching engagement might look like and the details involved in signing up, what types of programs are available and their costs, etc.

The call typically wraps up in under an hour.

Whether we end up working together or not...congratulations for getting this far!

“I always feel better after meeting with Laurie.  She is kind and compassionate, but also practical. She listens thoughtfully, asks great questions, and offers helpful feedback. This allows her to be highly effective and allows me to be confident that she really understands and cares. She helps me to untangle my thoughts and feelings and leaves me feeling empowered to make the changes I desire. Laurie is a great coach!”
—Liz B.

Schedule a Discovery Call

If you wish to schedule a Discovery Call, fill out the form below. I'll get back to you via email and we'll set up a time that's convenient to either have a Zoom call or regular audio call.

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